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How To: Become a zombie with Halloween prosthetics

Use gelatine prosthetics and paint techniques to create the ultimate zombie make up look - great for halloween or professional films! It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this clip can present a complete overview of the process in just under six minutes' time. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, watch this video guide.

How To: Make a fake single barrel pump-action shotgun prop

Shotguns are great for obliterating things that are close to you. Single barrel pump-action shotguns are the one most readily available to most folks, and if you want to depict one in one of your films without buying one or risking injury to your actors, this video will help you. It will show you how to make a prop shotgun out of cardboard and some other tools that looks pretty realistic and will let you shoot with guns without risking shooting anyone.

How To: Make a realistic fake severed finger prop

Fingers are the parts of the body most often severed from the rest of it, and if you have any interest in creating violent or edgy films there will probably come a time where you want to cut a finger off for a scene. This video will show you how to make a really realistic-looking fake severed finger prop. It isn't a severed finger technically, but a hand with part of a severed finger still attached, and it looks SO creepy. This prop will make any horror film or Halloween costume much more rea...

How To: Make the repulsor arm prop from Iron Man

Iron Man, and to a lesser extent it's sequel, represent the best of the new comic-book-movie boom and have rejuvenated the popularity of one of Marvel's most interesting characters. Do you want to make a Tony Stark costume, or dress someone you know in one for a film or party? This video will show you how to make one of the coolest and most important parts of the Iron Man ensemble: the repulsor arm ray gun.

How To: Make a double-barrel sawed-off shotgun prop

Using guns in low-budget films is tough. You probably can't afford a real gun or a replica can you? Especially for more specialized guns. Fortunately, this video has the solution. It will show you how to make a really realistic sawed-off shotgun prop for cheap. You will need some carpentry skills and tools, but the gun looks so cool that even if you don't have those things now, you should probably invest in them. You'll be able to use them to make more props later anyway.

How to Make 2 props: a laser pistol and a gas mask

This video is a 2-for-1 special. It will teach you how to make not one, but TWO cool props for a film or costume. They are, in no particular order, a gas mask / ventilator and a laser pistol. Both look very cool, require some materials and carpentry skills, and are sure to make your next sci-fi film much more realistic and enjoyable to watch.

How To: Make a retro ray gun prop for film or costumes

It's funny how unevenly the real world keeps pace with science fiction. Smartphones have capabilities that Gene Roddenberry never imagine a portable device could have, but guns still use tiny powder cartridges to launch hunks of metal at things. The phasers, ray guns, and blasters of Star Wars, Star Trek, and other sci-fi works have yet to appear. Don't let that hold you back! This video will show you how to make a cool retro ray gun prop that you can use with a Halloween costume or in a film...

How To: Make realistic Wolverine claws out of plastic scythes

If you are shooting a film with featuring the iconic X-Men team member Wolverine or want to dress yourself or someone else as him for some other reason, the claws are the most important part. They're what makes Wolverine Wolverine, at least externally (he didn't always have chops Hugh Jackman you studmuffin you!) and the ones you use had better look good if your costume is going to be a hit. This video will show you how to make some very authentic-looking Wolverine claws at home out of some s...

How To: Make claws by folding pieces of paper

Claws make a very cool costume piece for all sorts of costumes, from Wolverine to werewolves to whatever sort of freeform clawed monster you can conceive. This video will show you how to make some cool finger-claws (not Wolverine-style) out of paper. They are surprisingly intimidating given that they are made out of paper, and will go a long way towards creating whatever creature costume you're working on.

How To: Make easy paper Wolverine claws

Wolverine's claws are the most well-known hardware in all of comics, and making replicas of them for Halloween costumes and film shoots is a popular vocation. This video will show you one easy way to do it using only paper. They look pretty cool, although if you want them to look more real a little bit of paint would probably go a long way. Either way, this is a cheap and easy project that will make you Wolverine costume much more achievable.

How To: Build a really cool futuristic prop gun

If you're making films on your own, good on you. Do you ever find yourself without the money or means to get the props that you need? Every day most likely. This video is here to both inspire and provide practical aide. It describes the construction of a really cool sci-fi gun (dubbed the MKX300) that this filmmaker made for his webseries out of mostly old bottles. It was cheap and looks incredible, so watch this video and either make your own MKX300 or apply these lessons to the construction...

How To: Make quick, easy prop Wolverine claws

First of all, feel free to disregard the first 2:05 of this video, it is not a how-to but behind-the-scenes footage of this guy's short film. After 2:05, however, you will get a great tutorial on how to make a set of prop Wolverine claw quickly, easily, and cheaply. They are made out of cardboard and spraypaint, and as long as you don't do any closeups on them or require you Wolverine to open his hands with the claws out at any point (impossible in this configuration) they look plenty real. Y...

How To: Make a replica of the Spartan laser from Halo 3

The lasers from Halo might not be quite as famous as the assault rifles form the games, but they are still a very cool-looking and integral part of it. This video will show you how to make your own replica of the Spartan laser from Halo out of a toy gun called the Belt Blaster. The end result looks so real it might get you arrested by any cops from the future that you may run into, so be careful.

How To: Make a super hero mask prop for a film or Halloween

Super heros' secret identities are their most guarded secrets. Many choose to protect them with masks, but how to make your mask if you're a new superhero or a filmmaker trying to simulate a super hero? This video will show you how to make your own cheap superhero mask at home, which will be a great prop for your next film or Halloween costume.

How To: Make a sawed-off shotgun movie prop

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a sawed0off shotgun. The materials required for this project are: hot glue gun, duct tape, cardboard, utility knife, black marker, spray paint and 2 paper towel rolls. Begin by tracing a shotgun outline onto the cardboard. Make 6 layers and glue all the layers together. Then smooth the edges with sandpaper and tape the outside with some duct tape. Now tape the 2 paper towel rolls together and tape it on top of the shotgun. Finish by painting t...

How To: Simulate steadycam shots and make fake crushed bullets

This video has three parts: two that will teach you how to do things and one that is just a badass montage. The two how-to parts of the video will teach you how to first simulate a steadycam / dolly shot with only a tripod and the other will teach you how to create fake crushed bullets to use in action or mystery scenes. The montage will show you some cool effects to strive for.

How To: Make a really gross fake scar for Halloween or film

Making fake scars, abrasions, lacerations, and other wounds is one of the most entertaining parts of special effects and makeup work. This video help you get started, teaching you how to make a really gross, festering, fresh-looking fake arm wound that will scare the pants off of your audience (if you use it for a movie) or your fellow revelers (for Halloween or another costumed occasion).

How To: Make easy fake wounds for Halloween or film

Making fake wounds is an art form, and this girl is, if not a master, at least a very accomplished journeywoman. In this video she teaches us how to create a realistic-looking fake wound using only liquid latex, facepaint, and other simple materials. The end result is creepy and gross, and will make a perfect addition to your next Halloween costume or hot date.

How To: Do the Joker's makeup from The Dark Knight

Heath Ledgers iconic portrayal of The Joker in the film The Dark Knight has made him a Hollywood legend, shoving Jack Nicholson Joker straight out of posterity. This video will teach you how to do your makeup to look like his scary makeup from the film. The end result looks really good, and is sure to intimidate your friends on Halloween or at whatever other costume soiree you wear this to.

How To: Make a car-mounted rocket launcher prop for a film

Do you want to make your own action movies? Do you feel like your artistic vision would be enhanced by having a car with a rocket launcher on top of it in the film? You aren't alone. This video will show you how to make a car-mounted rocket launcher for $20 dollars out of simple materials. It won't blow up another car, but it will look really cool.

How To: Make a fake cut with theatrical makeup

Finally, the professionals are weighing in on how to create fake wounds! This video features a makeup artist from the BBC demonstrating how to make a really realistic fake cut on the hand of an actor using theatrical makeup. The plastic pieces from a CD jewel case that resemble broken glass really set this cut apart from the other fake cuts on the site, along with the professionalism of the presenter.

How To: Create a rotten diseased flesh effect for Halloween

If you want to make a movie with zombies, or the apocalypse, or the apocalypse and zombies, then you are going to have to learn how to create a really haggard-looking, disease-ridden face out of makeup. This video will show you how to do it using Rice Krispies, among other things. The end result is terrifying, and sure to scare your audiences or trick-or-treating targets into doing what you want (buying theater tickets or giving your candy, respectively).

How To: Make fake bruises for film or Halloween

Bruises may not be as gory or extreme as the gashes and slashes from some of the other fake-wound videos on the site, but they are an important part of the fake-injury world. I a brick falls on you, what you are going to have isn't a cut, but a very nasty bruise! This video will teach you how to make a realistic fake bruise on your arm out of makeup, which should be handy for you next film.

How To: Create a fake knuckle wound with makeup

If you want to have your character punch a very hard object, or punch a person very hard, then it will help if you can show their damaged, bloodied knuckles afterwards. Now you can with help from this video. It will teach you how to create a very gory fake knuckle wound out of basic prop and makeup materials. Now your characters can punch with authority.

How To: Make fake blood for film or costumes

Do you feel like your whole paycheck is going towards buying store-brand fake blood from your local prop shop? You must be using a lot of fake blood, because the stuff isn't very expensive. If you want to make your own blood at home, this video will show you how, using only simple household ingredients that you probably already have.

How To: Make realistic claw marks on the face with makeup

If you want to have a character get attacked by a predatory land animal in your movie, you are probably going to need to put some claw marks on their body to make it look realistic and visceral. This three-part video will show you how to create a really realistic open claw mark wound on an actor's face, or any other body part. It looks really, really good, now try it yourself and scare your family and friends!

How To: Make special effects makeup burn marks

There are a lot of videos out there that offer instructions for creating all sorts of fake wounds. Most of them, however, focus on cuts and gashes rather than that other devious and action-packed type of wound: the burn. This three-part video features detailed instructions for making a burn wound on your face or other body part using makeup and other household products. Now your characters get lit on fire and you can render the results accurately.

How To: Make a blood burst machine for film

Alright, so you have some fake blood, and you want to use it in your movie. Unless you are showing a wound after it has happened, and if you want to do anything depicting people getting shot, you are going to have to find a way to make the blood "shoot" out of the wound when it happens. This video features instructions for making a homemade blood burst machine that you can use to make your actors spurt blood when they get shot, sliced, or whatever else you plan on making happen to them.

How To: Make fake horror movie blood

Realistic fake blood is hard to come by, unless you plan on spending tons of money ordering it from a prop company. Make it yourself! This video features step-by-step instructions for making fake blood at home out of simple ingredients, with a blender being the only tool required. This way, you won't need to resort to drawing it from a real human.

How To: Create an open gash wound on a head

Head wounds are among the very worse types of wound, and as a results are very fun and popular subjects for representation in film. This video will teach you how to create an open gash wound on the head of your actor without taking a bottle to it. The wound looks very real, make sure you don't let your actor get near a hospital!

How To: Make a zombie flesh wound for Halloween or film

There are a lot of ways to hurt people, and almost as many ways to make them look like they've been hurt without doing any damage. This video is about the latter. It will teach you how to create some really scary fake zombie flesh wounds, either for a Halloween costume or film role. Now your eyes won't be the only zombie-like part of your body!

How To: Make a fake wound for Halloween or film

Creating fake wounds on the human body is one of the most fun parts of being an amateur or professional makeup artist, and whether your clients are you friends on Halloween or Brad Pitt. This video will teach you very quickly how to make a fake wound on your hand out of latex and other basic makeup costume makeup materials. Make others think that you need to be hospitalized! Make a fake wound for Halloween or film.

How To: Make a time bomb prop and

Time bombs are a stimulating and ubiquitous part of action films. This video features a handy tutorial on how to make a realistic-looking time bomb at home out of basic, cheap materials that can be used to add tension and drama to any of your movies. Warning: do not let the authorities see your bomb without knowing what it is first! It is very realistic.