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Dr Kreepy, Halloween craftsmen, shows a cheap and easy way to make full and partial skulls from Plaster of Paris! For this project, you will need a plastic skull, cheese cloth, a paintbrush, melting l ...

Need some creepy visual effects for your alien flick, but don't want to spend a bunch of money? With some pretty basic materials, you can turn an empty aquarium into a "cloud tank," which can be used ...

Shark attack film, crew stumbles upon pieces of seal flesh/guts and more specifically with white fur- Shark attack in the Arctic, yes. ...

Hey All, I am directing a short comedy, Cowlick (https://www.facebook.com/cowlickfilm), and I need my lead character's hair to stick up like alfalfa from "The Little Rascals." The cowlick will pop up ...

Star Trek Communicator badges rule. If you're a Trekkie, you know they are iconic to the TV series. The Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine all had these awesome communicator badges. Draw Y ...

The instructions are easy to follow and if you follow them well, you'll have a mask in no time! :D Cheers! ...