Jason Voorhees single-handedly terrified millions of American children away from ever going to summer camp, and his iconic mask can still send people running to this day. This video will show you how ...
Using guns in your independent films is risky business, and expensive to boot. Since you probably don't need to actually shoot anything, you can probably get by with a replica prop gun. If you're gonn ...
If you really want to make a convincing cosplay costume, be it furry, anime, manga, or video-game related, you're going to need really high-quality wigs, makup, and contact lenses. This video will sho ...
Vocaloids have to be one of the weirdest of the many weird things to ever emerge from Japan. They are basically synthesizer software programs that can sing any song a user creates in the voice of a ch ...
This video will teach you how to make a curvy fox tail for a fursuit! From the Creator:What you'll need:1/2 yard of rust colored fur that is at least 20x60 inches1/4 yard of white colored fur (or wha ...
If you like fur, and you want to make your own fursuit, the head is the hardest part and you may want to just order that from someone. But the hand and feetpaws are much easier, and as this video will ...
It's not a complete Freddy Krueger costume without his famous glove! Learn how to make the famous glove from Nightmare on Elm Street to terrify your friends at the next Halloween party. ...
The human body is full of different kinds of fluids, most of which are either gross or dangerous to remove from a person for use in one of your films. Fortunately, most of them are pretty easy to repl ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a Freddie Krueger glove. You will need: a saw, sandpaper, silver spray paint, black paint, brown paint, old glove, tin from a can, plexi glass, shiny cardboard, ...
The Alien movies, most notably Alien and Aliens, are icons of sci-fi horror, and one of their most well-known elements is the awesome power loader that Sigourney Weaver's character Ellen Ripley used t ...