To create a green screen, open up the program Sony Vegas. Now go to media generators. On the left hand side of your screen there should be a list with the link solid color right in the middle. Clic ...
The video is an episode of Indy Mogul. It opens with a man who tells us the topic of this show is to help people make fake prosthetics for a fish-man costume for Halloween. After an intro showing us t ...
Okay you saw the super-detailed reproduction of Freddy Krueger's clawed glove, now complete the Freddy costume with this "burning" makeup tutorial. In celebration of the return of "A Nightmare On Elm ...
Freddy's Alive! No, it's not the next part of the Nightmare On Elm Street series, it's the new remake coming out in a theater near you. And in celebration of the return of "A Nightmare On Elm Street ...
Special effects are so cool and so..expensive! In this tutorial, learn how to make a portable green screen for very cool effects for less than 30 bucks. This green screen can move with you so you ar ...
Learn how to knife someone in the face without using digital effects with this video tutorial. You will learn how to perform this effect without needing a computer and without actually hurting someone ...
Would you like your own custom movie poster for that amazing film you're working on? Well this YouTube user made a video to show you exactly how to create your own movie poster right in Adobe Photosho ...
Are you in production for the next big blockbuster film? Well you might need a movie poster and this video will help. This video will show you exactly how to conjure up a custom movie poster using Ado ...
Cinema Makeup School instructor Greg McDougall goes through the steps your need to know in order to create a silicone wound on a student. He starts off by explaining the products needed in order to ge ...
This video tutorial show you how to make your own functional green screen to create special effects. If you try to isolate a subject on a film with a dynamic background there is a good chance to loose ...