This is a video tutorial made to help out all those cosplayers on how to look more masculine using make up. This was originally made to help out guys who are pretty new to make up, but need to learn ...
This is a video tutorial made to help out all those cosplayers on how to achieve that flawless photoshopped looking skin by just using makeup. This was originally made to help out guys who are pretty ...
TheTribalButterfly fulfills your request to give a video tutorial on how she does her cosplay makeup, and this is it, in two parts. Anime and manga costumes are hard enough to make, and then there's ...
If your into anime and manga, and even cosplay, then you probably have tons of homemade wigs laying around. Check out this step-by-step video tutorial on how to make a wig stand for them all! This is ...
Are you apart a LARP association? No, well maybe you just like boffer fighting just for fun then, hmm? Well, this video tutorial is for you. See how to make some cool foam boffer swords for LARPing ...
So, you're into LARPing? Need a new foam boffer? The Knights of Gray show you in this two-part video tutorial, how to make a simple and basic boffer sword. You'll need some PVC, duct tape, foam insul ...
If you're a LARP maniac, or just a fan of LSD-themed (Latter-day Saint) games and activities, then this tutorial is perfect for you. Watch this video to learn how to make a foam-padded sword that is ...
This four-part video tutorial will show you how to make a basic boffer sword for full contact padded weapons fighting and live action role-playing. This is inexpensive, easy to make, safe to fight wit ...
Need a new foam boffer sword? Can't get into a LARPing event without it? Well, you better steal one, or make one, but this video will show you how to do the latter. With a slightly humorous touch, t ...
If you're a LARP maniac, or just a fan of LSD-themed (Latter-day Saint) games and activities, then this tutorial is just the ticket. Check this video out to learn how to make a foam-padded sword that ...