Watch this video tutorial to see how to build a fun foam boffer sword! These boffer swords for any of your larping needs!
You will need:
2½ feat of ½ inch PVC
2½ feet of Pipe insulation that can cover ½ inch piping
2½ feet of Pipe insulation to cover that pipe insulation
1 roll of Duct tape
1 roll of Electrical tape
1 Sharp knife
1 Marker
First cut the ½ inch pipe insulation to 24 inches. This will be the core for the blade. You will also need to cut out a 6 inch peace. This will become the pummel.
Remember to mark before you cut.
Slip the PCV into the insulation and leave 3 inches of space at the top. Here cut a 3 inch peace of random foam to fill in the gap. This part is important because the amount of force that one can put behind the sword can push the PVC into your opponent. That's not good. Especially it you are fighting your friend.
Wrap electrical tape tightly every 6 or so inches. This keeps the PVC from sliding inside the sword when it is complete
Repeat the process to the pummel.
Next, cut a 24 inch peace and a 6 inch peace out of the larger Pipe insulation and fit it around the inner core.
Make sure that the creases are on opposite sides.
Next wrap the whole thing in duct tape taking careful consideration to the tips and handle.
The last step is to go out side and beat some one up with your new boffer sword.
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