You can take an old mic stand and turn it into your own DiY camera stabilizers! This quick tutorial shows you how to take this piece of relatively inexpensive equipment, a little extra hardware, and p ...
Add a little animation to your live action shots! This tutorial shows you a few alternative techniques, such as adding in backgrounds using a greenscreen or incorporating light painting into your film ...
You don't need to buy an expensive ring light, you can make your own at home. You'll need a sheet of sturdy plywood, a pencil, some string, a dimmer switch, the light bulb sockets, some electrical wir ...
The hardware you will need is: two tubes of 15mm aluminum, sheath pipe insulation, rubber plugs for chair legs, super glue or epoxy, media plumbing tape, and assorted hardware - screws and bolts. A cr ...
Including a teleporter scene in your science fiction movie? This tutorial shows you how to use a compositing effect so you can replicate the look of the Star Trek transporter. It's fairly easy - all y ...
This tutorial shows you how you can make your own do it yourself green screen out of a bed frame, some hardware (a staple gun is key) and a green blanket (or any large length of appropriately colored ...
This video shows you step-by-step instructions on how to make a realistic Monkey Bomb prop just like the one made by Dr. Richtofen in Call of Duty: Black Ops. You will have to find your own monkey but ...
Without teeny little clay sculptures, you'd have no stop motion movies. While you can purchase a plethora of premade monsters to star in what you believe is the next "Godzilla," you can save some hard ...
Are you a fan of those old-school animated stop-motion movies? You can make your own easily, and the best way to get started is to make some durable, bendable puppets. Check out this video to learn ho ...
Remember how when you were a kid you used to make bedsheet tents and act out Godzilla scenes with your toys, pretending to put on a movie? You can totally do that for a living - though, admittedly, yo ...